Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina



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Wild Hyacinth

Camassia Scilloides

From $9.68 - $12.90

Blue Wood Sedge

Carex flaccosperma

From $7.52 - $10.52

New Jersey Tea

Ceanothus americanus

From $10.75 - $16.13
From $4.30 - $16.13
From $3.21 - $6.45
Sold Out

White Turtlehead

Chelone glabra

From $7.52 - $10.75
Sold Out

Purple Turtlehead

Chelone obliqua

From $7.52 - $10.75

Maryland Golden Aster

Chrysopsis mariana

From $7.52 - $10.75

Virginia Clematis

Clematis virginiana

From $7.52 - $10.75

Sweet Pepperbush

Clethra alnifolia

From $10.75 - $16.13

Threadleaf Coreopsis

Coreopsis verticillata

From $7.52 - $10.75

American Hazelnut

Corylus americana


Dutchman’s Breeches

Dicentra cucullaria

Sold Out

Wild Bleeding Heart

Dicentra eximia

From $9.68 - $12.84

Northern Bush Honeysuckle

Diervilla lonicera

From $12.84 - $16.25

Mountain Bush Honeysuckle

Diervilla sessilifolia


Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea

From $7.52 - $10.75

Robin's Plantain

Erigeron pulchellus

From $7.53 - $9.75

Rattlesnake Master

Eryngium yuccifolium

From $7.52 - $10.75