Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


Beekeeping Media

Here is some media that shows our beekeeping operation. 

Watch this video of Philip watering the packages just before they were installed.

Here are our two trucks we use for beekeeping.
A 1991 turquois Chevy Silverado and a 2001 Camouflaged F250. And Bug.

Our two trucks with bee boxes loaded up from March 2020

March 2020, painted bee boxes in our driveway. 
Painting bee boxes in March 2020 Painting bottom boards in March 2020
We use deep Langstroth hives, and harvest the forth deep box on top.

Philip keeping the bees in Saxapahaw

Here is a video of our extraction process in our garage. We use a hot knife and utility sink for uncapping and recently bought a 10 frame SS tank. We have a Maxant 1400PL, 10 deep frame extractor and a Maxant 300 24 inch hot water jacketed clarifier. The honey goes into 5 gallon buckets with a bucket nylon filter.

Here is a video of Philip applying Apiguard (thymol) for mite control. 
Here is a look at one of our apiaries and the cows of Reverence Farms.