Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Wild Pink (Silene caroliniana)
    Pink Family
    Wild pink is a short, mounding wildflower that thrives in tough garden conditions. In the wild it can be found in dry, rocky, and sandy soil conditions in full sun to part shade. Dozens of pink flowers appear in early spring and are an important early nectar source for long tongue insects and hummingbirds. In the garden, its short stature and evergreen basal leaves make it a great front border plant, groundcover, or rock garden plant. Leaves are mostly basal and will turn beautiful deep purple and red colors in the cooler months. It will self seed in ideal conditions, but is not considered aggressive. Works well with Little Bluestem, Woodland Phlox, Dwarf Crested Iris, and Barbara's Buttons. Also makes a great container plant!
    Blooms: Pink, 3-4 weeks, April-May
    Leaves: Mostly basal leaves are evergreen and can take on attractive dark purple tones in winter
    Height: 6-12”
    Space: 12-18”
    Soil: Average-Dry, rocky, sandy
    Exposure: Full sun-Part sun-Part shade
    Fauna: Hummingbirds, butterflies, long tongue bees
    Seeds: Elongated capsules with numerous, brown, tiny seeds
    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 5-8

    Native Status:NC native,rare throughout the state
    Provenance: Unknown, seed grown