Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Biennial Guara (Oenothera tetrogona)
    Primrose Family

    This biennial produces a basal rosette its first year and sends out tall (3-6’), willowy flowering stalks the second year. Flowers are white, but turn pink with age. Its late summer bloom time make it a much needed nectar source during a particularly dry time of year.This plant is best suited for a meadow planting or naturalized area due to its tall, wild appearance. It will re-seed naturally to form new plants–basal rosettes are easily removed if it becomes too numerous in the landscape.

    Blooms: White, Pink, 4-6 weeks, July-Sept
    Leaves: Dark green, red 3-6”, elliptical , simple, evergreen basal leaves
    Height: 3-6’
    Space: 2-3'
    Soil: Average-Dry, very adaptable
    Exposure: Full sun-Part sun
    Fauna: Longue-tongue bees, moths, host plant
    Seeds: Woody, club-shaped seed capsule contains tiny brown seeds

    Deer Resistance: Medium

    Zone: 4-7
    Native Status: NC native, rare in the Piedmont, uncommon in the Mountains
    PA, seed grown