Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Allegheny Onion (Allium allegheniense )
    Onion Family

    Bright, magenta flowers differentiate this member of the onion family from the more commonly available Nodding Onion (Allium cernum). Drooping flowers begin opening in July, followed by bead-like seed heads that hold 4, shiny black seeds. Foliage is thin and strappy, typical of the onion family. It has a very narrow native range in the southern Appalachian Mountains, usually growing in lean soils and rocky areas. While it prefers soils with a higher pH, it seems to adapt to average garden soil just fine. It is very drought tolerant and can handle the toughest of soils. In warmer areas, a break from the afternoon sun will make for a healthier plant. Rare in cultivation. 

    Blooms: Magenta, 3-4 weeks, Jul-Sep.
    Leaves: Bright green, narrow & linear
    Height: 1-2’
    Space: 1-2'
    Soil: Average-Dry, prefers rocky soils with higher pH
    Exposure:  Full sun-Part sun
    Fauna: Likely many types of bees, unknown
    Seeds:   Papery capsules hold numerous shiny, black seeds

    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 5-9
    Native Status: NC native, rare in the Mountains
    Provenance: WV, seed grown