Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Showy Goldenrod (Solidago speciosa)
    Aster Family
    Blooms: Yellow, 3-4 weeks, Aug-Oct
    Leaves: Deciduous, 4-10” elliptical leaves on a red stem, clump forming, evergreen basal rosette
    Height: 3-4’
    Space: 2-3'
    Soil: Dry-Average-Moist, most soil types
    Exposure:  Full sun-Part sun
    Fauna: High value plant–many specialized bees feed on goldenrod species, flies, wasps, seeds for birds and mammals, butterfly host plant
    Seeds:  Dense clouds of achenes are very attractive

    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 3-8
    Native Status: NC native, uncommon in the Piedmont & Mountains, rare in the Coastal Plain
    Provenance: WV, seed grown