Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Purple Turtlehead (Chelone obliqua)
    Plantain Family
    Purple Turtlehead is a beautiful and uniquely flowered plant that grows in moist, rich soil in 3-6 hours of sun. Flowers that range in color between pink and purple contrast nicely with the rich green and glossy foliage. Turtlehead gets its name from its striking resemblance of the flowers to a turtle's head. The tubular-like flowers are barely open, and you can often find bumblebees prying open the flowers to reach the nectar and pollen. It will spread slowly to form small colonies over time. This is an ideal plant for shady rain gardens. Good companion plants are Red Cardinal Flower, Zigzag Goldenrod, Virginia Spiderwort, Blue-eyed Grass, and Canada Wild Ginger.
    Blooms: Pink, 4-6 weeks, July-Sep
    Leaves: 6” shiny green leaves are stiffly held and heavily serrated
    Height: 2-3’
    Space: 1-2’
    Soil: Moist-Average
    Exposure:  Part sun-Part shade
    Fauna: Bumblebees are the main pollinator, but some hummingbirds and butterflies, butterfly host plant
    Seeds: ½” pods turn from green to brown and are filled with dozens of papery seeds
    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 5-9
    Native Status: NC Native, rare across the state
    Provenance: Unknown, seed grown