Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Mouse-eared Tickseed (Coreopsis auriculata)
    Aster Family
    This tidy, long blooming plant makes a great evergreen groundcover. It will slowly send out stolons to form a nice mat. Blooms start in May and can have a prolific re-bloom in the fall, especially if you deadhead in early summer. Tolerates a wide variety of soil and sun, but grows best in part sun, average moisture soils. Looks great with Blue-eyed Grass, Eastern Columbine, and Butterfly Milkweed.

    Blooms: Yellow, 3-4 months, May-September
    Leaves: Evergreen, thick, hairy leaves that look like ears
    Height: 1-2’
    Space: 18-24”
    Soil: Average-Dry-Moist
    Exposure: Part sun-Part shade
    Fauna: Bees, flies, seeds for birds
    Seeds: Small, brown seeds germinate readily
    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 4-9
    Native Status: NC native, common in the Piedmont, rare in the Mountains and Sandhills
    Provenance: NC, seed grown