Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Parlin’s Pussytoes (Antennaria parlinii)
    Aster Family
    Blooms: White, 4-6 weeks, Mar-May
    Leaves: Gray-green, very fuzzy, silvery undersides, distinct leaf veining, evergreen basal rosette
    Height: 4-6”
    Space: 1-2’
    Soil: Average-Dry
    Exposure: Full sun-Part sun
    Fauna: Bees, flies, butterfly host plant
    Seeds: Dense achenes are brown and wind distributed
    Deer Resistance: Medium
    Zone: 3-9
    Native Status: NC native, common in the Piedmont and Mountains, uncommon in the Sandhills
    Provenance: NC, seed and asexually propagated