Chelone glabra
White Turtlehead
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White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra)
Plantain FamilySome plants have the best names, & Turtleheads are one of them. Perfectly named for their turtlehead shaped flowers, this is a plant that should be used more widely in the landscape. The late summer creamy, sometimes pink tinted, blooms bring relief from the typical yellows and purples that are commonly seen around this time. The flowers are big, unique, and have a long boom time as just a few open at a time. The dark green foliage is sturdy and whorls from the top to the bottom of the stem. In the wild, you can find them on moist semi-shady streambanks, but they will adapt to average garden conditions too. Only plant in full sun if adequate moisture is provided. Spreads by underground runners, and will form small colonies over time.
Blooms: White, 4-6 weeks, Aug-Sept
Leaves: Simple, lanceolate, dark green
Height: 2-4’
Space: 1-1.5’
Soil: Moist-Wet-Average
Exposure: Full sun-Part sun-Part shade
Fauna: Bumblebees, Hummingbirds, butterfly host plants, food for moth species
Seeds: Capsules contain multiple papery, flattened seeds
Deer Resistance: High
Zone: 3-9
Native Status: NC Native, common across the state
Provenance: NC ecotype, seed grown