Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Wood Betony (Pedicularis canadense)
    Broomrape Family

    This unusual plant has showy yellow flowers and attractive fern-like leaves. Some plants have strong red to orange tones in the flowers, which make for a particularly appealing plant. Its short stature of less than 1’ makes it an excellent ground cover for various garden situations. It can tolerate a wide range of soil moisture as long as it is well draining. Part sun is ideal, but will do just fine in more or less sun. Wood Betony is hemiparasitic and will tap into neighboring plant roots for various nutrients. Grasses are thought to be one of its preferred hosts, but more information is needed. It does not require any specific co-planting to survive, but will perform better when planted among grasses.

    Blooms: Yellow-red, 3-4 weeks, Apr-May
    Leaves: Maroon new growth changes to light green, leaves are fuzzy and fern-like, mostly arranged at the base of plant
    Height: 6-12”
    Space: 12-18”
    Soil: Average-Dry-Moist
    Exposure:  Full sun-Part sun-Part shade
    Fauna: Bumblebee favorite
    Seeds: Hairy, angular fruit are large and attractive
    Deer Resistance: Low
    Zone: 4-8
    Native Status: NC native, common in the Piedmont and Mountains, rare in the Coastal Plain
    Provenance: Unknown, asexually produced