Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens)
    Dogbane Family
    This special milkweed is similar to Common Milkweed, but has showier, dark pink to purple flowers, is typically shorter and more shade tolerant, and is not as aggressive as the former. It can also be harder to grow. Don’t be surprised if newly transplanted plants go dormant soon after planting. Plants may take 3 years to bloom.
    Blooms:  Purple, 3-4 weeks, May-June
    Leaves:  Large, ovate leaves have a purple central vein
    Height: 1-3’
    Space: 18-24”
    Soil: Average, drought tolerant once established
    Exposure:  Part sun
    Fauna: High pollinator value, many types of bees visit, moth & butterfly host plant, host to several milkweed specific insects
    Seeds:  6”, skinny, bean like pods filled with numerous brown seeds attached to silky, hair like strands

    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 4-9
    Native Status: NC native, rare across the state
    Provenance: WV& unknown, seed grown