Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea)
    Royal Fern Family
    One of our most striking ferns, growing, on average, around 4’ tall. This fern will tolerate a variety of light and soil conditions, but will only thrive in consistently moist to wet soil. Cinnamon colored hairs and fertile fronds give this fern its name. In ideal conditions, when established, it will slowly spread by creeping rhizomes. It looks great planted in mass or as a specimen plant here or there. Leaves turn a golden yellow color in the fall. Try with Red Cardinal Flower, Shooting Stars, Yellowroot, or Jack-in-the-Pulpits.

    Leaves: Deciduous, 2-5’ long, compound fronds, turn nice fall yellow
    Height: 2-6'
    Space: 2-4'
    Soil: Rich-Moist-Wet, acidic
    Exposure:  Part shade-Full shade
    Fauna:  Dense patches are used as cover for various wildlife, moth host plant
    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 4-9
    Native Status: NC native, common across the state
    Provenance: NC, asexually propagated