Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia sp.)
    Pitcher Plant Family
    Various hybrid, North American Pitcher Plants These are outdoor plants that have very specific conditions needed to survive. These plants have been responsibly sourced and have a Certificate of Origin from the NCDA. 
    * Full sun
    *No fertilizer ever
    *Rain water or reverse osmosis filtered water only 
    *Must be kept consistently moist (does not need to be in sitting water constantly) 
    *Growing in pots is best--75% sphagnum peat moss, 25% coarse sand 
    *Overwinter outside (smaller pots can be moved closer to homes for protection) 
    *Do not remove brown, "dying" pitchers until late winter (they may look unsightly, but they are still absorbing nutrients)
    *Do not feed human food