Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


  • Product Info

    Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
    Dogbane Family
    A smaller, more airy milkweed, with a later bloom time. Creamy white blooms top thin, needle like foliage, that doesn’t overwhelm other plants. This milkweed is extra drought resistant and works well in rocky, shallow soil. Plant in the front border and let it ramble throughout the garden and weave through other plants. The white flowers make this milkweed a particular favorite of wasps. The thin leaves don’t make this a preferred host plant for Monarch caterpillars in terms of food density, but caterpillars can still be found munching away on the delicate leaves.
    Blooms: White, 4-6 weeks, July-Sept
    Leaves:1-3”, needle-like, whorled
    Height: 1-2’
    Space: 1’
    Soil: Average-Dry, tolerates poor soil
    Exposure: Full sun-Part sun-Part shade 
    Fauna: Bees, wasps, butterflies, beetles, host to several moths and the Monarch butterfly
    Seeds: 3-4” narrow pod filled with seeds attached to silky hairs
    Deer Resistance: High
    Zone: 3-9
    Native Status: NC Native, common in the Piedmont, uncommon in the Mountains, & rare in the Coastal Plain
    Provenance: Unknown, seed grown